
Last updated on May 30, 2024

Welcome to Reviews Junction, an online service that provides a management tool for product reviews (the “Service”). The owner and operator of the Service – Reviews Junction Online Ltd. ("we", "us" and "our") – respects the intellectual property rights of others and requests that its users do the same.

Alleged infringement notice

If you suspect that the Service has been utilized to violate your copyright, you have the option to submit a written notification to our designated copyright agent (the "Agent"). Your notification should include the following key elements

  • An electronic or physical signature from the individual authorized to represent the owner of the allegedly infringed right.
  • If you believe your copyright has been infringed, please provide details of the copyrighted work in question or, if multiple works are involved, a representative list of the elements affected.
  • Please ensure that your notification clearly identifies the content that is allegedly infringing upon your copyrights. Include specific details on where this content can be found, such as the precise Service page where it is located. This will facilitate a prompt and accurate response to your concerns.
  • Please provide us with contact information that enables us to reach you, including your mailing address, phone number, and, if applicable, an email address where we can reach you electronically.
  • A declaration affirming your sincere belief that the utilization of the material in the manner contested is not sanctioned by the copyright owner, its representative, or by law;
  • A declaration affirming the accuracy of the information provided in the notification and, under penalty of perjury, asserting that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner of the allegedly infringed work.

Upon receipt of your notification, we reserve the right to remove or disable access to the content you allege to be infringing. We may request additional information from you before taking any action, as required to comply with legal obligations. Additionally, we may disclose your contact information to the user who posted the allegedly infringing content, enabling them to contest your claim.

Counter notification

If we've taken down or restricted access to content you provided due to a received claim of infringement, you have the chance to counter this action by submitting a written counter-notification to our Agent. For your counter-notification to be effective, it should contain the following essential components:

  • Your physical or electronic signature;
  • Please specify the content that has been removed or disabled, along with its location prior to removal or disabling.
  • A declaration made under penalty of perjury, affirming your sincere belief that the content was removed or disabled due to an error or misidentification of the content.
  • Your full name, mailing address, and contact number must be provided. Additionally, include a statement expressing your agreement to the jurisdiction of the competent courts in any judicial district where you reside or where you can be located. You should also affirm your willingness to accept legal documents from the notifying party or their authorized agent.

Upon receiving a counter notification, we will furnish the individual who submitted the alleged infringement notification with a copy of the counter notification.

In accordance with applicable law, we may restore the removed content and reinstate access to it within 10 to 14 business days after receiving the counter notice, unless our Agent receives notification from the person who reported the alleged infringement that they have initiated legal action seeking a court order to prevent the user from continuing the infringing activity related to the content on the Service.

Repeat infringements

We reserve the right to terminate your user account on the Service if we determine, at our sole discretion, that you are a repeat infringer. A repeat infringer is defined as a user who has received more than two notifications of infringing activity or whose content has been removed from the Service more than twice.

Agent details

Please be aware that our Agent handles notifications related to alleged copyright infringement only. For other inquiries, including comments, requests, and other messages, please refer to the contact details provided in our Terms of Service.


Anyone who knowingly makes a false claim that: (1) certain content is infringing, or (2) certain content was mistakenly removed or disabled due to misidentification, may be held responsible for any damages we incur. This includes costs and attorneys' fees, resulting from our reliance on the false claim when removing or disabling access to the content in question
